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Spreading Patriotism and Comfort Across North Texas Since 2005.

3 Reasons Why Ventilation Is Crucial For A Comfortable Home

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A comfortable home is a big priority for many Plano, Texas, homeowners. Ventilation can not only help keep your air fresh, it can lead to a more comfy home. Here are three ways ventilation can help improve your home’s indoor air quality and keep you and your family as comfortable as possible.

Remove Humidity

In addition to the humid air outside that creeps inside, we introduce humidity into the air all the time via normal day-to-day activities. Showers are one of the biggest culprits for excessive moisture in the air. Running the ventilation fan in your bathroom during and for a while after your shower can help improve humidity levels and prevent it from spreading throughout your home. Cooking can also release a lot of humidity, so running your ventilation fan while cooking is also a good idea.

Prevent Growth

Biological growth loves moisture and will often grow in areas that lack ventilation but have plenty of moisture. Common areas include laundry rooms and bathrooms, where humidity often builds up and there isn’t regular ventilation. Regular ventilation can help prevent this growth. Biological growth often smells unpleasant and can reduce your home’s indoor air quality.

However, if there’s excessive humidity, sometimes ventilation may not be enough. Be sure that your vent is clear and, if the issues are in your laundry room, that your hoses and outputs are correctly hooked up.

Reduce Smells

Homes that have odors are often uncomfortable. Preventing or reducing odors can increase your home comfort as well as improve indoor air quality. Whether it’s from cooking, biological growth, or stagnant humidity, ventilation can help remove these smells by replacing the air with fresh input. Ventilation systems are often hooked up to the exterior of the home and work as effective air fresheners.

Having proper ventilation is vital for you and your family to enjoy your home. If you’re concerned about the efficacy of your home’s ventilation, the experts at Samm's Heating and Air Conditioning can help assess your system. Give us a call at (214) 251-4438 to set up a consultation today!

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