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Spreading Patriotism and Comfort Across North Texas Since 2005.

Which Thermostat Should You Choose?

adjusting thermostat

While the temperatures in McKinney, Texas are usually quite pleasant in the spring, summers, and winters can bring extreme variations in temperatures. To stay comfortable during the hottest and coldest times of the year, having the right kind of thermostat that allows you to make adjustments easily and automatically can make a big difference in your comfort level. The right type of thermostat will also reduce your energy costs significantly. So, which type of thermostat should you use?

Non-Programmable Thermostat

This is a simple thermostat that has to be adjusted manually. It usually comes with an LED display that shows what temperature you’ve selected and an up-and-down temperature button. It’s easy to use and affordable, making it an option for people who don’t mind pressing a button every now and then and waiting for their homes to cool down or heat up.

Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat can help you save time and effort by allowing you to program your HVAC system’s temperature settings throughout the day, week, or season. It eliminates the need to adjust the thermostat every time you wish to change the temperature. A basic programmable thermostat enables you to choose a certain temperature for the morning and another for the afternoon or evening, while a more sophisticated one lets you select different temperatures for different times on different days.

Smart Thermostat

This type of thermostat is a little pricier, but it’s a great choice if you’d like to be able to control your HVAC system while you aren’t at home. By having access to your HVAC with your phone or tablet, you save energy by modifying the setting when nobody’s at home. Conversely, you won’t have to come back to an overly hot or cold home because you can change the settings back to your comfort level when you’re on your way back.

A good thermostat is a worthwhile investment because it can help you save money on your heating and cooling. If you’d like additional information or help choosing the right thermostat for your home, call Samm's Heating and Air Conditioning at (214) 251-4438. Our 24/7 customer service team is always ready to assist you.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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